More on Southern Baptists & Public Education
Baptist Group Offers Itself as Resource to Churches Starting a School
By Allie MartinJuly 12, 2006
(AgapePress) - The executive director of the Southern Baptist Association of Christian Schools (SBACS) is trying to help pastors nationwide organize viable alternatives to public school education.
A proponent of home schooling and Christian education, Gamble says the time for Southern Baptist churches to offer the public a new alternative education system is long overdue.
Read the whole thing.
ARB: We agree that something like this is overdue and hope to see such efforts go forward.
By Allie MartinJuly 12, 2006
(AgapePress) - The executive director of the Southern Baptist Association of Christian Schools (SBACS) is trying to help pastors nationwide organize viable alternatives to public school education.
A proponent of home schooling and Christian education, Gamble says the time for Southern Baptist churches to offer the public a new alternative education system is long overdue.
Read the whole thing.
ARB: We agree that something like this is overdue and hope to see such efforts go forward.
posted by CP at 7/13/2006 11:28:00 PM
We homeschool. I don't think the SBC should make a resolution that all SBC'ers get out of public school, but I'm a proponent of Private and Homeschools.
The whole missionary thing in school is a joke. Not every child has the maturity to handle it. I hated public school. I was very lonely because of my beliefs. My kids have done public and Homeschool. They don't want to go back to public school. There are great, Godly teachers in the public schools but if you get just one who is bad, it can hurt your children.
I agree with Kevin B. that it is an absurd idea to send your kids to public school so that they can be missionaries to our culture. We need to teach our kids too be missionaries and evangelists, but we don't accomplish this by offering them up as sacrifices to Molek. My wife and I do send our kids to public school for now, but it is because we have determined that it is best for our kids at this time, in this school system, with the teachers they have, and according to other circumstances that favor that decision. But...we made that decision by choosing what was best for our kids, not what was best for our culture.
I think there is a lot of wisdom from men named Kevin!
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